23 12, 2020

Cares Act 2020 Deduction Changes

Cares Act 2020 Deduction Changes Due to the CARES Act, this year you don't have to itemize to take a charitable gift deduction. You can take an above-the-line deduction of up to $300 of cash contributions to charities. The Act also changed charitable contribution limits. The 60% of adjusted gross income [...]

20 12, 2020

Downtown Issaquah Celebrates a Day of Music on December 21st!

  The Downtown Issaquah Association is taking national Make Music Day and composing an "Issaquah-ish" -- Yuletide on Front with its own brand of charm. Of course Issaquah stands out. Who would expect anything else? This day is particularly special. In a rare sky show, Jupiter and Saturn will nearly "touch" [...]

19 12, 2020

Who Is Jude?

 Visitors to the Artisan Market are finding inspiration and gifts when they visit the Rogue Building Pop-Up Shop. None, perhaps, as much as youngster Jude, a local, aspiring artist who was so intrigued when he bought his mom a gift, he created art of his own. The problem: We don't [...]

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