Our Community, Our Voice
A continuing series of high 5’s from local residents….
All the Rave — Vino Bella
By Bob Sprung
Vino Bella has been a “Cheers” to me since I first moved to the Issaquah area 10 years ago. Those first few times entering the quaint establishment and being comfortably seated at the bar, Claude Blumenzweig, the proprietor, always greeted me with a smile and would introduce me to the patrons to my right and my left. Claude makes everyone who enters Vino Bella feel welcome and at home. Many of those new acquaintances turned into some of my closest friends.
Being centrally located on Front Street in Downtown Issaquah, and situated in a beautiful and historic red brick building, Vino Bella is a place of friends and acquaintances to celebrate the end of a long week and good times — or just to unwind and relax at the end of the day with a cocktail. It’s no wonder that when one hears “Issaquah”, Vino Bella so often comes to mind.
By Leanna Nangle
Vino Bella has always been a special place to go for us. When walking in the door or to the outside patio we are always welcomed like an old friend. The atmosphere in the beautiful brick building is relaxing and warm. The service, food and drink are always great. In past years, the live music was always top notch and something we have really missed and can’t wait to have it back. Having such a versatile option in our community where you can not only go for a intimate date night, but also hang out with a group of friends is very special.
We love the fact that Vino Bella is owned by a local Issaquah community member, with members of his wonderful family involved in running the business. We admire the dedication of Vino Bella to serve the Issaquah community during the pandemic and being so adaptable to the constantly changing regulations .They have offered their community a fabulous, fun and safe place to socialize and escape the rest of the world for a while.
By Keith Watts
It’s always been a great place to strike up engaging conversations, meet new people, and hang out with members of my community. During the day my wife and I like to sit at the sidewalk tables sipping wine, snack on Claude’s tasty hors d’oeuvres, converse with others sitting close, and say hi to all the familiar faces passing by. Also during the day, many people take advantage of Vino Bella’s super fast WiFi at a quiet table with a glass of wine or beer to catch up on emails or work. Every time I go I’m greeted with smile, a friendly hello, and even when I’m by myself I never feel alone.

Author: DIA ED

Historically Hip Downtown