Things to do in Issaquah
Recreate: Play Outdoors

Duthie Hill Mountain Bike Park –
Duthie Hill Park is 120 acres of dense evergreen forest located on the Sammamish Plateau. It is connected to more than 2,000 acres of public open space that includes Grand Ridge Park, Mitchell Hill Forest and Preston Ridge Park.
Issaquah Alps Trail Club –
The Issaquah Alps Trails Club (IATC) has always been more than a hiking club. From its earliest days, the club has been a voice for the protection of not only trails but the open spaces through which they run, achieving unprecedented victories with the creation of Cougar Mountain Regional Wildland Park, West Tiger Natural Resources Conservation Area, Tiger Mountain State Forest and numerous parks, open spaces and county and state forests.
The Visitor Information Center has a selection of maps and information about local hiking trails.
Address: 155 NW Gilman Blvd. Phone: (425) 681-6739
Issaquah Community Center –
The Center is owned and operated by the City of Issaquah Parks and Recreation Department. Classes include instruction in aquatics, day camps, drop-in activities, health & fitness, pre-school and sports.
Issaquah Jules Boehm Pool –
The Issaquah Parks and Recreation Department owns and operates the Julius Boehm Pool and offers classes and open swim.
Issaquah Library –
The Issaquah Library, a branch of the King County Library System, serves downtown Issaquah and its surrounding communities with programs for children, teens and adults, public meeting space, and access to all the Library System’s collections and services. The Issaquah Library has something for everyone!
Issaquah Parks –
The Issaquah Creek Confluence Park Area
655 Rainier Blvd N
Issaquah, Washington 98027
This park is comprised of three contiguous parks: Tollë Anderson, Cybil-Madeline and Issaquah Creek. These undeveloped parks, which total 15.5 acres, meet at the confluence of the east fork and main stem of Issaquah Creek.
Veterans Memorial Field
140 East Sunset Way Issaquah, WA
This park features an athletic field, places to picnic, and is adjacent to Depot Park which has a charming train themed
Depot Park
50 Ranier Blvd North
Depot Park is located just west, across the Rainier Multiple Use Trail, from Veterans’ Memorial Field. This park features a restored 1888 train depot, currently listed on the National Register of Historic Places
Gibson Park
W. Sunset Way and Newport Way S
This little 3 acre park includes several recreational facilities that makes it a nice area for families with young children.
Lake Sammamish State Park –
LakeSammamish State Park is a 512-acre day-use park with 6,858 feet of waterfront on Lake Sammamish. A salmon-bearing creek and a great-blue-heron rookery are additional features.
Poo Poo Point Paragliding –
Poo Poo Point on Tiger Mountain is a major metropolitan paragliding flight park and has been an ongoing labor of love. Tiger provides a close-to-home gateway for Seattle residents, impressively, where no other opportunity existed before, to realize their dreams to fly.